Attending NORDROCS in Oslo, Sept. 5 to 8
Haemers Technologies will attend NORDROCS from September 5 to 8, in Oslo, Norway!
NORDROCS is a series of conferences and short courses in the field of contaminated sites remediation.
What a great opportunity to make discover our technologies!
Our HT ambassadors will be Jan Haemers and Aurélien Vandekerckhove.
Would you like to meet us personally on the occasion of NORDROCS?
Contact us to make an appointment at
We will exhibit following posters and give a short course!
- “Sustainable Remediation Assessment: The dangers of misrepresenting sustainability to transfer the burden to the next generation”
- “Dynamic Skimming – A new and highly effective approach to skimming LNAPL”
- “Thermoreact® – An innovative remediation product for In situ Neutralization of halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and mercury during Thermal Desorption”
“In Situ Thermal Desorption by Conductive Heating”, September 5 from 11am to 4pm.
See you there!