
Do you want to work in a young, dynamic, international, and family-like company while making our planet clea­ner? Haemers Technologies is the company you are looking for! We advocate autonomy and foster new ideas. We offer you a pleasant work environ­ment and the opportunity to develop professionally.

  • Mission :

    The Internal Support – Business Development is an integral part of the Business Development & Engineering
    department. They play a crucial role in allowing Account Managers to focus on their core activities by providing
    the necessary tools, information, and assistance to achieve the company’s goals. They are responsible for the
    process and quality of outputs (format) and for ensuring that the CRM is updated daily.

  • Activities :

    • Management of External Representation Documents:
    o Manage and update all external representation documents such as Statements of Qualification
    (SOQ), appendices (reference sheets, publications, CVs, certificates, etc.).
    o Ensure the company is always ready to provide up-to-date dossiers for pre-qualification,
    including our capabilities, competencies, and history.
    • Website Maintenance:
    o Update website content to ensure that the information available online is current and
    consistent with other used documents (SOQ).
    • Opportunities:
    o Maintain the CRM by checking for inconsistencies (dates, amounts) and reminding Account
    Managers (AM) to ensure the information is accurate.
    o Generate initial estimates and proposals (v0) for AMs to validate and adapt based on specific
    o Track and document all correspondence for each opportunity (contract preparation).
    o Prepare BD reporting, to be validated by the Team Leader (TL), on a weekly and monthly basis.
    • Q&A:
    o Manage Q&A in coordination with IT (potential bot) to provide first-line responses to already
    answered questions, with proposals to AMs for response validation.
    • Events:
    o Ensure the preparation and commercial follow-up of contacts during events (trade shows,
    conferences, webinars, etc.).
    o Manage mailings (via Odoo) for these events and their follow-up.

    Required Skills:

    • Excellent organizational and time management skills.
    • Proficiency with CRM tools and web content management.
    • Ability to work as part of a team and communicate effectively with different departments.
    • Attention to detail and thoroughness in document management.
    • Proactivity and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

    Softskills in line with HAEMERS Technologies values:

    We are committed : Motivation – Autonomy – Client-oriented
    We are innovative : Creativity – Vision – Initiative
    We are unique & united : Respect – Collaboration – Adaptability


    Education:  We value your practical experience and acquired skills
    over formal education.
    Professional Experience: Previous experience in a sales support or business
    development role is an asset.
    Languages: Français, Technical English
    IT Skills: Knowledge of CRM and content management
    software (such as Odoo) preferred

  • Interested?
    Please send a cover letter with your CV addressed to Nadia Leroy at:
  • Missions : multi-skilled warehouse worker travaille de manière étroite avec les équipes opérationnelles et rapporte au  Purchasing & Logistics Manager.

    Il.Elle est en charge de la réception et de l’entreposage des marchandises et du maintien de l’ordre dans le stock et de l’inventaire. Il veille à préparer les marchandises pour l’expédition, vérifie le chargement avant son expédition
    et il établit tous les documents qui y sont liés. Il traite les bons de livraison entrants.

    Il.Elle réceptionne les marchandises à leur arrivée, les classe, les range dans les rayonnages de manière à les retrouver facilement et à optimaliser l’utilisation de l’espace ou les dispatche.

    Il.Elle est responsable de la correspondance entre le stock physique et le logiciel de gestion des stocks Odoo.

    Il.Elle veillera à tenir l’inventaire des stocks à jour pour répondre aux besoins matériels des services internes et externes (chantiers). Il.Elle réalise l’inventaire annuel et assiste les superviseurs dans l’exécution de la procédure
    d’inventaire sur les chantiers de manière régulière et au moment de la démobilisation.

    La fonction d’entretien joue également un rôle important et demande de l’habileté manuelle (démontage et nettoyage de pièces).

    Il est aussi responsable de la gestion journalière du bâtiment et ses facilités (en ce inclus les véhicules) et exécute des courses diverses à la demande ou selon besoin.

  • Compétences requises :
    – Rigueur, méthode, autonomie, rapidité d’exécution, disponibilité et réactivité.
    – Bonnes connaissance informatiques (Suite Office)
    – Connaissance des outils de gestion des stocks (Odoo ou autre ERP) est un vrai « plus ».

    – Capacité d’organisation et de planification.
    – Gestion des priorités et polyvalence.
    – Connaissance des produits, de leur conditionnement, de leur emplacement et disponibilité afin de s’assurer un niveau de stock nécessaire au bon déroulement des activités.

    – Respect des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité
    – Manipuler des engins de manutention est un atout.
    – Détecter et diagnostiquer les problèmes (retards, non-qualité, quantité insuffisante etc.)

    Softskills en lien avec les valeurs d’HAEMERS Technologies :
    We are committed : Motivation – Autonomie – Orientation client
    We are innovative : Créativité – Vision – Initiative
    We are unique & united : Respect – Collaboration – Adaptabilité

    Profil :
    Formation /
    Expérience professionnelle /
    Langues Anglais et français
    Compétences informatiques Ms Office
    ERP ou Odoo = atout

    Positionnement dans l’organisation :
    Service Opérations
    Rattaché hiérarchiquement à Purchasing & Logistics Manager

    Conditions liées au poste :

    Transfert des activités en cas d’absence du titulaire:

  • Interested?
    Please send a cover letter with your CV addressed to Nadia Leroy at:
  • Missions:
    The electronics engineer is integrated into the Innovation department of
    the company. He.she participates in the development, management, and
    advancement of R&D projects. She.he is integrated into one or more RD
    Project teams.

    The innovation engineer may oversee several Research and
    Development projects simultaneously. He.she may also be called upon to
    work within the Project team as a project engineer (Project Management).

    More specifically, he.she contributes to improving instrumentation
    systems by participating in laboratory tests, developing printed circuit
    board prototypes, or programming embedded software or data processing
    programs. The central objective of developments in both instrumentation
    and automation is the energy and economic improvement of the
    depollution process.

  • Activities:

    • Lead one or more research and development project(s):
      participation in various stages of the project.
    • Propose technological improvements to save time, reduce costs,
      and environmental impacts.
    • Conduct documentary research, design R&D projects, establish
      quotes, conduct laboratory tests, improve processes, advise
      industrialization, etc.
    • Design, assembly, debugging, and repair of printed circuit boards.
      Microcontroller programming (embedded Linux).
    • Design experimental systems using numerical simulations and
    • Conduct experiments on-site or as part of pilot projects to evaluate
      results while ensuring careful monitoring.
    • Processing and interpretation of collected data.
    • Writing reports, articles, and patents.
    • Ensure technological watch, research, and development of new
      materials or processes to promote innovation and competitiveness
      of the company.
    • Participation in publications and/or presentations at international
    • Participation in the implementation of technology on construction

    Required skills:

    • Knowledge of digital electronics (UART, I²C, SPI) and analog (sensor
    • Mastery of basic printed circuit board design concepts.
    • Mastery of measurement instruments (oscilloscope, multimeter,
    • Knowledge of embedded Linux and command line work.
    • Ability and willingness to work both in the office, laboratory, and onsite.
    • Autonomy, adaptability, rigor, and responsiveness.
    • Organizational and planning skills.
    • Team spirit, initiative, adaptability, and observation.
    • Available, proactive, and solution-oriented.
    • Sense of responsibility.
    • Oral and written communication skills.
    • Synthesis skills.

    Softskills in line with HAEMERS Technologies values:

    We are committed : Motivation – Autonomy – Customer orientation
    We are innovative : Creativity – Vision – Initiative
    We are unique & united : Respect – Collaboration – Adaptability


    • Education: Electronics engineer, computer science, or equivalent
      technical experience
    • Professional experience: 0 to 5 years
    • Languages: Fluent in French and of Flemish, English; proficiency in
      any other language is an advantage

    Computer Skills:

    • Python, C/C++, Linux, git, EDA software (KiCad, Altium, others)

Please send a cover letter with your CV addressed to Nadia Leroy at:

  • Missions:

    La mission de HR Trainee consiste à accompagner la prise en charge de la partie gestion administrative et opérationnelle du service RH mais aussi d’élaborer et mettre en place un reporting HR dans Odoo.

    La gestion opérationnelle du personnel consiste à recruter les stagiaires ou candidats non-cadres, accueillir les nouveaux recrutés, gérer les compétences, mettre en œuvre des plans de formation.

    La gestion administrative a pour objet le suivi des déplacements des collaborateurs en établissant les documents adhoc, une tenue rigoureuse de tous les documents personnels dans le respect de la RGPD.

  • Activités:

    • Recrutement : diffusion des offres d’emploi ou de stages, réception et traitement des CV’s du personnel non-cadre.
    • Accueil et suivi des collaborateurs : gestion administrative, livret d’accueil, visite de l’entreprise, suivi du tutorat.
    • Gestion du personnel en déplacement : Cerfas, A1, assurances.
    • Gestion des compétences : suivi des formations décidées et établissement des plans de formation individuels.
    • Accompagner le parcours de carrière des collaborateurs, tout en tenant compte des exigences légales et de la gestion sociale de l’entreprise, de telle manière que les besoins spécifiques du personnel soient respectés.
    • Développement de l’outil Odoo.

    Compétences requises:

    • Rigueur
    • Respect des délais et des procédures
    • Veille permanente sur l’évolution de la législation sociale
    • Implication et organisation dans l’avancement des différents dossiers
    • Bon sens relationnel.
    • Maîtrise des logiciels de gestion des ressources humaines et Odoo en particulier
    • Connaissances en droit du travail et en législation sociale

    Softskills en lien avec les valeurs d’HAEMERS Technologies:

    We are committed : Motivation – Autonomy – Customer orientation
    We are innovative : Creativity – Vision – Initiative
    We are unique & united : Respect – Collaboration – Adaptability


    Formation                                                         Bachelier/Master en RH

    Expérience Professionelle                              /

    Langues                                                              Français, anglais et néerlandais

    Compétences informatique                            Ms Office – Odoo

    Positionnement dans l’organisation :

    Service:                                                               Office Support

    Rattaché hiérarchiquement à                         HR Manager

Please send a cover letter with your CV addressed to Nadia Leroy at:


  • Requested profile:
    – Engineer in last year or end of the penultimate year with a solid technical training in thermodynamics or mechanics/energy
    – Fluent in English
    – Environmental impact studies
    – Basic accounting and costing training
    – First experience in carbon credit’s field very appreciated but not essential
  • Project context:
    You will have the opportunity to participate in a study involving a comparison on several standard projects by exploring the variations of:
    – contaminants (chlorinated, thc, nitrogen, Hg, infectious substances and drugs, mix,…)
    – concentrations
    – the in-situ/ex-situ method
    – the (hydro)geological situation
    –  the neighbourhood (urban, natural, industrial)
    – the energy’s availability locally

    By drawing on the many sites and studies of HAEMERS Technologies, carrying out simulations, elaborating models and relying on studies and models published by other market players.

Please send a cover letter with your CV addressed to Nadia Leroy at:

Didn’t find the job you are looking for?
Please make an appoinment and send your CV to Mrs Leroy at:

We hope to find you a place in our company!

Toufik Djoudi

Technical Expert

“Our projects, like everything in life, experience ups and downs and even sometimes doubts. Each project is a challenge we enjoy overcoming together. Our greatest joy is to end a project and deliver clean soils to our clients. Our motto is, as Leonardo Da Vinci said, “Every obstacle yields to stern resolve”.

Rabih Jenadri

Innovation Engineer

“Before being contacted by Haemers Technologies for my first interview, 6 years ago, I was not aware that soil’s thermal treatment existed. Our field is so specific that every time I meet new people, they are impressed by what we do. I am myself impressed by the fast growth of our company and by our ever-growing international notoriety”.

Samuel Alves

Head of Communication

“Haemers Technologies has an open mind towards its employees. Haemers’ positive spirit pulls people up, allows an active listening and guides our members while allowing them to be fully themselves”.

Nadia Leroy

HR Manager

“From a management position in an advertising company to HR Manager in an SME… what a great career transition after 30 years! I am fortunate to have the CEO and managers’ trust in the recruitment process. We were 7 and now, we are around 40. We have talented people and are diversified with an average of 17 different backgrounds. In addition to our skills, this diversity brings a richness that I had never encountered before. Looking forward to seeing all these young people grow and hoping they will keep the human values that tipped the balance in the interview throughout their future careers”.

Willian Felipe Do Prado

Operations Coordinator

“It’s quite difficult to sum up my daily tasks as they are changing every day: ranging from project management to engineering and redaction of business offers. When we go on site, the work becomes even more exciting. We develop a wide range of skills such as daily reporting to the client, improvement of the installation and assurance that everything is working well. We are brought to solve different kind of problems and that is what makes our job rewarding and stimulating”.

Aline Jordens

Team Leader Innovation

“I have been working at Haemers Technologies for 4 years and had the opportunity to be involved in many different tasks. What I appreciate about my work is the non-routine tasks. Each of us may have to work on different projects, with different teams, which also allows us to get to know each other better. And there is no better way to work than with friends!”

Patrick Vilette

Supervisor Dynaskim

“Working in the pollution remediation sector since 2002, I am passionate about thermal treatment. The start-up phases of an installation, its follow-up, both In Situ and Ex Situ, are always a great moment, this technique is brilliant for the technician I am”.

Yves Randoux

IT Innovation Manager

“Haemers Technologies is a company where everybody helps each other and understands that you have sometimes other priorities. It is refreshing to work with people that are motivated by their work and ready to make a difference. And I am not even talking about the fact that working to help clean up our planet makes your job even more rewarding”.

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